Saturday, November 21, 2009

Excited and Confident With Who I Am!

Before I took the life purpose coaching session, I was at a very unsettled place in my life. My purpose, and motivating passions were unclear. Although I was actively serving in my church, I felt unfilled and unsure I was really doing what God wanted me to do.

Life purpose coaching has helped me to discover who God has designed me to be, so that now, I can more clearly determine what He has designed me to do. Unlike other personal discovery tests or programs I had taken in the past, life purpose coaching helped me discover my strengths; what I excel at, instead of identifying and trying to improve my weaknesses.

I experienced a Spirit led, self discovery process that included identifying pivotal life experiences, thought provoking questions, and a strengths test, which resulted (for the first time in my life) in being excited and confident with who I am.