Thursday, April 22, 2010

Filled With Joy and Expectation!

"Looking back on my Life Plan day, I would say that I am filled with joy and expectation! Throughout the whole day, it was evident that the presence of the Lord was there, that Jesus was directing my thoughts and words...I knew that it was Him who was speaking and revealing. As I reflected on certain past life events, it became overwhelmingly evident how the Lord has led my life so far and is weaving together His purposes. This gives me great hope that he WILL continue to direct my future! In studying my top 5 strengths, I was struck by how unique these are to me. The Lord has created these strengths and spiritual gifts within me, specifically for me - this overwhelms me with how much He loves and cares about me, reminding me anew of how intricate his designs are for my life. Spending a portion of the day in quiet reflection with the Lord was especially impacting. As I focused on the greatness and sufficiency of God, I was filled with the desire to truly surrender my fears and insecurities to Him - and I left that day filled with genuine joy, knowing that those "issues" had stayed with Jesus! There are so many lessons and truths from my Life Plan that I am still reflecting on, and I know that Jesus is, and will continue to teach me regarding my life purpose and how to live boldly in what He revealed to me during my Life Plan!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Have a God Confidence!

What an amazing time with the Lord! Having two days set aside to listen the The Lord as He revealed His enduring hand on my life was a precious gift. He showed how He has had an overall plan for me that He has been weaving throughout all the experiences of my life. To recognize that He has never let me go and how He knows me and has made me intentionally with a specific and unique design to fulfill His purposes in my generation and in the place He has assigned me has been incredible. I was able to recognize the reasons for and thereby release some of my ambitions that were threatening to pull me off God's course for me. Even now, 6 weeks later, I find myself referring back to my charts as God is continuing to reveal the application of all He showed me. I have a God confidence that emboldens me to walk in my purpose like never before. I am free from any guilt about all that I am not doing, know that it is not what God has called me to so I can let it go.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


How amazing the Lord is in that He had uniquely created me with gifts and strengths to fulfill His life purpose for me.

How amazing the life purpose coaching process was that made it clear to me, through the Holy Spirit what my purpose is while on this earth. This purpose will ever be with me and before me.

How amazing my coach was at guiding and facilitating through the Holy Spirit. She left the process of discovery in the Spirit's hands.... and He didn't disappoint!

If you are wondering or even 'think' you know what your life purpose is, this is a tool every Christian should consider for clarity and peace in knowing why God created you uniquely! It's AMAZING!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Place to Build an Altar and 'Remember'!

February 15, 2010, marked the date of my "Life Plan Facilitation" by Kem Stickl. She walked me through what would be a crossroads in my life - another milestone, a place to build an altar and "remember." Prior to this day, the Lord had been taking me down the road of "what if?" and "would you go if I asked?", forcing me to look at my life without any claim to it. Surrender is a scary thing when the things that you cling to are most precious to your heart. In preparation for the experience, the Lord led me to read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, teaching me again that His heart...His plan...His ways are trustworthy. And to my delight, He later revealed that those things that are deep in the recesses of my heart are what HE placed there...that He's not asking me to deny who He created me to be, just to relinquish control over that destiny. Who I am is so UNIQUE - and He KNOWS me so intimately. And what is best of all is that He DELIGHTS in the details of who I am. What I value, where I am strong, where I am weak, what I dream of, what I am passionate about, where my gifts are....He chose them all and implanted them into my heart. And they are there to be cultivated and pruned and given room to blossom. But the only person who can stop the work that the Lord has begun is ME. Without my hands lifted high in sweet surrender to Him, I will forever be frustrated in my purpose...frustrated in my plans...frustrated in my effectiveness for the Kingdom of God. He did not design this life for us to be in control. He designed it so that we might hang on and enjoy the ride....a romantic ride off into the sunset to the point of no return. "You are my precious you now understand that what I want is YOU?"

Jeremiah 29:13 states "Then you will seek Me, inquire for and require Me (as a vital necessity) and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

My mission is, through RELATIONSHIPS, to AFFIRM and ILLUMINATE His TRUTH to those around me, and to EQUIP and INSPIRE people to be everything they were created to be. May this mission daily be given back to You for Your plans, Your purposes, Your unending glory!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Forever Changed!

I feel forever changed. At a time when I was content; yet still searching; the timing was perfect. You gave and poured into me exactly what I needed - human love and the opportunity to experience God's love deeper than I could have imagined. Together, we sat at His throne. The experience will be an addition to one of my "Aha moments" in life. For 2 days, I was in the sanctuary, felt His warmth and security - and I left knowing that my life was different.

It has taken a few days just to comprehend the whole experience. It is hard to take it all in. My prayer time is deeper and more personal than before. Once you experience that depth, you want nothing less. Because of mercy (action is taken) I pray for the children of this world with confidence that I am doing what I am called to do and it is not out of my 'feeling bad' for them; but out of mercy and being obedient. I pray for them with confidence, rest, and hope!

I look forward to the experiences ahead knowing that I am not to create, I am to be still and know that He is God, He has prepared me, and that by living out my life purpose I will leave a legacy. Clarity brings joy!

A renewed desire to pay it forward!

When I headed to Grand Island, New York for my two day life plan - I had no idea how precious our time together would be.

We spent the better part of two days sitting together in front of a roaring fire. The windows provided the backdrop for a light snow-fall in the wooded yard. We talked, laughed, prayed, listened, and waited as the Holy Spirit directed each session.

My Life Purpose Coach Facilitator, helped me understand (at a deeper level) the story God was telling through the circumstances of my life. I could see how my strengths, values, and passions were woven throughout each frame of my life.

The entire experience gave me a renewed desire to pay it forward. I am re-committed to advancing the Kingdom.

As I head back home to Colorado, I am embracing my God given design and celebrating my unique purpose.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Restored, Renewed, Refreshed and Refocused!

To define or describe the life plan in a way that captures its depth and its eternal impact is nearly impossible. Words seem to minimize the way that this experience affected both my soul and spirit. In doing the life plan the Lord gave me the sweet revelation of my uniqueness and reawakened my heart to engage my calling.

The fact that He knit me together in my mother's womb came to life as I saw his Hand and purposes so delicately woven through every event and every season of my existence. There's great freedom in knowing that you have a unique contribution to make in impacting the Kingdom of God. It ignites your desire to live out that calling and tears down any lie that says you have to be someone else!

Through this ministry, I experienced many "aha" moments---feeling like the Lord was putting together so many pieces of the puzzle of my life. I left my two-day life plan feeling restored, renewed, refreshed and refocused. My perspective has completely changed because I am now looking through a God shaped lens rather than a ME shaped lens.

In the movie "The Wizard of Oz" there's a scene where Dorothy's home is violently pulled up into the tumultuous whirl of a tornado. Upon landing, she opens the door to find everything that was once seen in black and white, is now appearing in full color. The dramatic difference causes her to be overwhelmed and delighted in each particular hue. This picture really captures the veil that had been lifted from my heart through doing the life plan. I came home seeing everything in a new light. What was once black and white is now vibrant and bright in color. What was once a mundane trip to the grocery store is now an opportunity to influence the check out lady with a spoken word of freedom or joy. What was once a regular dinner conversation with my husband is now a time that I can intentionally allow Him to process and discover his dreams. What was once being cooped up in a house tending to my babies is now my opportunity to teach them who God says they are and to speak identity into their little hearts. Thank you Lord for allowing me to see in color!

Now when I come across people who ask me what my calling is or where I'm gifted, I will not stumble. I will not wonder. Instead, I will confidently respond with great joy, saying, "I am called to authentically influence people to discover their God-given identity, experience freedom, and embrace their dreams/purpose in order to impact the Kingdom of God."

Thank you God for rescuing me from the routine, for pursuing my heart and for inviting me back on the adventure!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Heart Beat Fast!

God started me on a journey several years ago where I began to search for a deeper intimacy with Him. I wondered, “Is this all there is to be known, to be had of Jesus?” As I began to search with all my heart, Jesus actually gave me an awesome privilege of “finding” more of Him. He rewarded me in ways that are inexpressible. In this continuing journey He began to continually place people in my path that expressed His OWN heart of having a PLAN AND PURPOSE for my life, until I take my last breath. I cannot tell you how real this became to me. I have held fast to this “truth”, which has ultimately given me HOPE for an “unknown” future.

In the two-day process of looking at my life, I came to the realization that I have never before looked at my life from the beginning until now, to see how God had actually woven it all together. I saw that my life was not random, but rather that I was in the “Potter’s Hand” all along. The introspection brought me to the point of recognizing that the positive and happy moments in my life far outweighed the negative or sad times.

Another thing that has penetrated my heart since you coached me is that, our God is so very BIG and that He is intentional and purposeful in His leading and guiding.

The areas of my gifting, passions, values, etc. confirmed why I was uncomfortable in some roles and my “heart beat fast” when I came face to face with my passions.

I have been blessed beyond measure and privileged to have been coached.

Everything Came Together!

To be quite honest, i feel that the life coaching experience cannot necessarily be put into words. The working power of the Holy Spirit was so evident to me through the whole day/experience. It was so very encouraging to see the things i am drawn to become a part of my story and my purpose. I think this experience strengthened and brought to a new light many things that are in my heart; i had never considered them to be part of my purpose. This experience really opened my eyes to the intricate detail that God designs each one of us with. It amazes me to see my gifts, my values, my passions, my strengths all fit together to create an identifiable purpose. I feel as though words cannot describe the work of the Holy Spirit and how he put together a clear picture moment by moment. What struck me was how everything came together, seemingly out of no where. We made little connections throughout the whole day, but then to have them all be totally connected at the end was so awesome to see. This experience definitely has given me confidence in what God has purposed for me, in whatever i may be doing. I am so absolutely thankful for the opportunity to have this experience, and so thankful for Kem, who was an absolutely amazing facilitator; she allowed the Spirit to work through her in mighty ways. I am excited to learn more about my gifts/strenghs, etc. and really use them in full for the Lord. Again, i am so so thankful for this opportunity and would recommend it to anyone who is seeking the Lord and desiring to know what he/she has been created for.