Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Place to Build an Altar and 'Remember'!

February 15, 2010, marked the date of my "Life Plan Facilitation" by Kem Stickl. She walked me through what would be a crossroads in my life - another milestone, a place to build an altar and "remember." Prior to this day, the Lord had been taking me down the road of "what if?" and "would you go if I asked?", forcing me to look at my life without any claim to it. Surrender is a scary thing when the things that you cling to are most precious to your heart. In preparation for the experience, the Lord led me to read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, teaching me again that His heart...His plan...His ways are trustworthy. And to my delight, He later revealed that those things that are deep in the recesses of my heart are what HE placed there...that He's not asking me to deny who He created me to be, just to relinquish control over that destiny. Who I am is so UNIQUE - and He KNOWS me so intimately. And what is best of all is that He DELIGHTS in the details of who I am. What I value, where I am strong, where I am weak, what I dream of, what I am passionate about, where my gifts are....He chose them all and implanted them into my heart. And they are there to stay...to be cultivated and pruned and given room to blossom. But the only person who can stop the work that the Lord has begun is ME. Without my hands lifted high in sweet surrender to Him, I will forever be frustrated in my purpose...frustrated in my plans...frustrated in my effectiveness for the Kingdom of God. He did not design this life for us to be in control. He designed it so that we might hang on and enjoy the ride....a romantic ride off into the sunset to the point of no return. "You are my workmanship...my precious masterpiece....do you now understand that what I want is YOU?"

Jeremiah 29:13 states "Then you will seek Me, inquire for and require Me (as a vital necessity) and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

My mission is, through RELATIONSHIPS, to AFFIRM and ILLUMINATE His TRUTH to those around me, and to EQUIP and INSPIRE people to be everything they were created to be. May this mission daily be given back to You for Your plans, Your purposes, Your unending glory!!!

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