Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Everything Came Together!

To be quite honest, i feel that the life coaching experience cannot necessarily be put into words. The working power of the Holy Spirit was so evident to me through the whole day/experience. It was so very encouraging to see the things i am drawn to become a part of my story and my purpose. I think this experience strengthened and brought to a new light many things that are in my heart; i had never considered them to be part of my purpose. This experience really opened my eyes to the intricate detail that God designs each one of us with. It amazes me to see my gifts, my values, my passions, my strengths all fit together to create an identifiable purpose. I feel as though words cannot describe the work of the Holy Spirit and how he put together a clear picture moment by moment. What struck me was how everything came together, seemingly out of no where. We made little connections throughout the whole day, but then to have them all be totally connected at the end was so awesome to see. This experience definitely has given me confidence in what God has purposed for me, in whatever i may be doing. I am so absolutely thankful for the opportunity to have this experience, and so thankful for Kem, who was an absolutely amazing facilitator; she allowed the Spirit to work through her in mighty ways. I am excited to learn more about my gifts/strenghs, etc. and really use them in full for the Lord. Again, i am so so thankful for this opportunity and would recommend it to anyone who is seeking the Lord and desiring to know what he/she has been created for.

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