Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Heart Beat Fast!

God started me on a journey several years ago where I began to search for a deeper intimacy with Him. I wondered, “Is this all there is to be known, to be had of Jesus?” As I began to search with all my heart, Jesus actually gave me an awesome privilege of “finding” more of Him. He rewarded me in ways that are inexpressible. In this continuing journey He began to continually place people in my path that expressed His OWN heart of having a PLAN AND PURPOSE for my life, until I take my last breath. I cannot tell you how real this became to me. I have held fast to this “truth”, which has ultimately given me HOPE for an “unknown” future.

In the two-day process of looking at my life, I came to the realization that I have never before looked at my life from the beginning until now, to see how God had actually woven it all together. I saw that my life was not random, but rather that I was in the “Potter’s Hand” all along. The introspection brought me to the point of recognizing that the positive and happy moments in my life far outweighed the negative or sad times.

Another thing that has penetrated my heart since you coached me is that, our God is so very BIG and that He is intentional and purposeful in His leading and guiding.

The areas of my gifting, passions, values, etc. confirmed why I was uncomfortable in some roles and my “heart beat fast” when I came face to face with my passions.

I have been blessed beyond measure and privileged to have been coached.

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