Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Instantly Freeing!

Testimonial: Discovering my Life Purpose was instantly freeing. A weight was lifted right away knowing that I have a purpose and a plan greater than I could have imagined. How amazing is our God who has fully equipped me for this purpose already. My facilitator created a special, safe, loving environment where it was ok to be me and to speak openly. This was the most awesome Spirit-filled event of my life...everyone needs to find their life purpose.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bigger Picture Perspective!

As I begin this process of unpacking my life plan, and I say begin, because I believe it will always be in a rough draft setting because I will be forever adding new and refining the old.Living with the end in Mind. Some people are natural goal-setters and some aren’t. I am convince that one of the reasons we don’t accomplish more for the kingdom of God is because we don’t have any God-ordained goals we are pursuing. Prov 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Vision is a bigger picture perspective. We have to know where we are going in order to know how to get there. As I enter into this new season of life, I needed a time to re-evalu ate, re-assess my purpose I realize that all along my calling and purpose has been the same. Revelation: I am a bridge builder. I have always been a bridge builder. Rom 8:28 “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” My past has held the key to unlock the purpose for the future. As I took an intentional walk through the journey of my life it became very clear that from the beginning God planted a passion in my heart to fight for the family. My driving desire to bridge the communication gap between husband and wife, between parent and child and between people and God.
“My purpose calling is to build bridges, to connect, and to communicate truth, by equipping and interceding for the empowerment of families.”

Greater Confidence!

I think the biggest thing that the life plan did for me was give me greater confidence that God has given me specific gifts for specifically ordained tasks, and that I should pursue these things as much as possible. The thing we most focused on was my gifting and passion for leadership, and while I've known for a while that I like leading others, this helped me to focus more on ways in which I can lead others, and other strenths (such as harmony and competitiveness) that I can bring in and use while in a leadership position. Now I feel that I'm more aware of leadership styles and/or methods that may work for me in the future, whenever those leadership positions come.
The life plan also helped to spur me on to look more critically at my job, and to determine if it fits in with my strengths. Also deciding that I need to talk to J(my boss' boss)about my future was another great outcome.

Affirming and Confirming!

Life Purpose Coaching: I just spent two full days doing my “Life Plan”…WOW!!! It has both affirmed and confirmed what God has been doing in and through my life. I have been wondering what my purpose is and now I know…with knowing my purpose I can walk confidently in Faith and in His divine power. Thank you LORD! and thank you Kem for being obedient to your purpose and calling!

Huge Impact!

Doing the life plan was extremely influential and had a huge impact on me. God really showed up and revealed more of his purposes for my life. I surrendered a lot of areas that I had been holding onto without realizing it, which gave me such freedom. I had always been told, and knew, that God had a plan, calling, and purpose for my life. But in all honesty, it seemed like it was this abstract concept ‘out there’ that I had to somehow figure out someday. But to see it all put together, how God has given me specific gifts, abilities, and passions just made it so clear to me that God really did make me in a specific way for His particular purpose! It just became so obvious as I looked at my life and explored who I was. God wants me to know the strengths I have and why He made me the way He did. He wants me to know that calling He has, and is not trying to hide it or make it difficult to find. I was astounded at how clear He made it to me, and excited to continue to go forward. I will hold on to what I learned that day for the rest of my life. I now realize that ‘figuring out’ my calling is so much more than what occupation I should have, but it’s seeing in what way God wants me to influence the world and knowing how He prepared me to do that.

I Have Called you!

Therefore, Go...

...You know me... You discern my going out and my lying down... You hem me in behind... and before... You lay Your hand upon me... for darkness is as light to You... You created my inmost being... You knit me together... I praise you... I am made... I was woven together... Your eyes saw... days ordained for me... I am still with you... search me... know my heart... lead me...
Psalm 139

Have you ever thought of how God made us for a specific purpose, but we cant fulfill that until we know what it is? Is my purpose the same as yours? Is yours the same as his? Or is it like hers? No, its YOURS. God createdyou, with a very specific plan and purpose in mind. He created you to do something totally different than he created me to do. He created Moses to go, He created Jeremiah to weep, He created Hosea to love relentlessly. Our purposes are definitively NOT the same. Some are called to reach out to hurting women, others are called to youth, others are called to parents in crisis... The list goes on. What is your purpose?

I found out my purpose this week. After 22 years, I now know what gifts and talents, strengths and abilities God has knit together inside of me, and I know for what purpose He did so. He created me to "Reform to Alleviate." And the freedom in knowing that gives me a joy and excitement beyond what I have known before.

Life Purpose Coaching "asks questions that unlock your stories and lead you into a discovery of purpose that empowers you the rest of your life." Through this process, the Holy Spirit led me to realize what my specific part is in furthering the Father's plans here on this earth. "Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away." My time here is limited. I have 50-60 years left, and then my opportunity to be the creature God made me to be here on this earth... That opportunity is gone. In the blink of an eye, I will fly away.

But in understanding my purpose, I can live with intentionality every day, in every situation. I can be who I was made to be with a sense of satisfaction.

"I have called you. Therefore, go..."

What has he called you to? Where will you go?


Coolest 2 Days of My Life!

Three weeks ago, I had the coolest opportunity yet to happen in my life. I discovered my purpose. So many people walk through this world wondering what their purpose is & how to make an impact. Life Purpose Coaching is a process of discovering the stories of your life, the gifting God has blessed you with, the strengths you posses, the passions you have. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, these are woven together to help you see & embrace your life purpose. I can't explain it in words. It was the coolest 2 days of my life. The Spirit of God literally drops nuggets of truth into your spirit. As much as I want to explain the process, you don't get it until you do it... All of that to say, that I know that I am called to "encourage and prepare believers to stand for what is morally right and pure and to advocate truth to them". That is my calling. That is my purpose statement. There is so much freedom in knowing what you were made to do. There is intentionality in decisions. There is stepping outside of your comfort zone when you know it is what you are to do. There is obedience.

What is a One Day Life Plan?

A one day life plan is a shorter version of the life plan facilitation developed for young adults from the age of 18-26. It is designed to help a young adult look at their life, the past and the present and help them determine a direction for the future.

Is a Life Plan for Me?

If you are at the point in your life where you want to know.......

* What's next for me?
* Why am I here?
* What am I supposed to do with my life?

Then you're ready to have your life plan done!

A Life Plan Facilitation- What is it?

It is a two day in-depth coaching session that looks at many areas of your life. Through seeing "Your Life on the Movie Screen" you will begin to discover God's plan for you as we look at your dreams, your spiritual gifts, your values and your passions in order to lay out a plan for you to live a balanced, full, and purpose-filled life. This inspiring process helps to draw out the meaning of your past, it helps you explore the significance of your present, and it connects your dreams and your passions in order to set a course for your future. During this time, you will be able to “connect the dots” as we discover challenges, opportunities, the defining moments in your life, uncovering your heart's burning desire and clarifying your unique, God-given purpose, and more. You will leave the two day experience with a 16-20 page printed plan of action and goals in core areas of your life for the next 2-3 years.